What Features Does Python Offer?

Python is often comparable to Perl, Ruby, PHP, Scheme, and Java. This is because it is is an incredibly powerful object-oriented language. Python also has several notable features which make it an enticing language to work with for developers. 1) Python makes use of an elegant syntax, meaning the programs you write are much easier to read. This is because they are closer to the human language, or how we write our words, instead of a language that computers use to read and interpret code. For example, the "print" command will display anything proceeding it - and in quotes - at runtime. 2) Python is simple and easy-to-use, which means that it's much easier to get your programs up and running. That is why Python is considered ideal for prototype development and similar ad-hoc programming tasks. It does not compromise maintainability either. 3) It comes with the Standard Python Library , offering integrated support for a variety of common programming ta...